It's a Girl!

Keely Solana Sanchez 12.22.08
Baby Sanchez...Boy or Girl?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
As you can see we are reeeeeeaaaaalllly bad at this blog thing. Part of my excuse is because I'm hardly ever on the actual computer now that my sweet hubby got me an iPhone for my birthday almost a year ago. I pretty much do everything from my phone now that I used to do on the computer. So I figured hey...maybe I can just write a little blog from my phone after all:). So there may not be many pics because I don't know how to do that from my phone, but I might be a little better at updating this thing. Anyone know of a blogging app??? So a lot has happened since the last blog...Keely turned 1, she's now running everywhere and talking some (she says leche, agua, mama, Papa, bebe, no, rana, wowow=perro, hi, hola, bye, and lots of animal sounds). We had a BIG first birthday party for her complete with a piƱata with lots of friends and family. A little after that we had our first WHITE Christmas I can remember here in Tx. We all loved waking up Christmas morning and going out and playing in the snow- dogs included:). Then we had more snow 8 inches or something! Again we all bundled up and played our hearts out cuz we didn't know if it would ever snow like that again. Will has been staying VERY busy at work, but fortunately only traveling a few times a month if that. He has really enjoyed being able to come home every night and have quality family time bonding with his baby girl. A few weeks ago we joined him on the road after he was done with the work part of the trip. He was down in Corpus Christi, so Keely and I hopped on a plane for her first plane ride to spend some time with papa. I had my bag of tricks and I was ready for the plane...the 2 hour delay at the airport not so much. Needless to say we walked pretty much the whole airport to kill time and wear her out so she was ready to sit for 2 hours. She did fine on the plane, people kept saying how she was such a good flyer. I, however, was on the egde of my seat ready to pull out my next trick the second she squeeked. The weather was beautiful so we were able to go to the beach, go swimming, and we went to the coolest aquarium. We were pleasently surprised with how nice Corpus was. A great little get-a-way:)! We definitly realized relaxing vacations are over for a while though;). With Keely with us it go go go! Very cool to be able to experience things through her eyes. We were soooo happy to be back home and in our own beds though! For those of you expecting, I defintely recommend a baby moon before your little one gets here:). I'm still just working two times a week. Keely's abuela and my sister each watch her a day while I work. It's so great for her to be able to spend alone time and bond with them, but I really miss her. Being a mom has been soooo awesome! Don't get me wrong it definitely has it's ups and downs and it's 24/7, but WOW, I love it! I can't believe how much fun I have playing with her every day! Kids are truely miracles! God is amazing!
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loved looking at your playa pictures on facebook. keely was so cute coloring on the plane. i just can't believe how she gets cuter and cuter and she started out so stinkin cute. love you guys.
Love the update!! Glad to hear of all the fun going on in the Sanchez household!! A pretty easy blog app is BlogPress Lite. Free and you can use it to put pictures on! Love you guys!
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